10 Important On-Page SEO Tips For Beginners

10 Important On-Page SEO Tips For Beginners in 2022

On-page SEO refers to all the work that is done on the website and are controlled by own self. Its main purpose is to get your page on top of Google ranking. It’s not difficult to understand on-page SEO tips for beginners and it doesn’t take too much time, all you need is to just concentrate at some points and you automatically optimized your page.

You must have to know Google policies because Google updates its policies from time to time and do some changes.

On-page SEO will not take long, it’s very easy to do you just have to read it out and follow these steps.

10 Important On Page SEO Tips For Beginners:

On Page SEO Tips For Beginners

Here, I’ll show you 10 important On-page Seo Tips For Beginners you just have to follow:

Optimize Your Page title:

The first thing you start is to write your blog at the top. So, the important factor on the top is the Page title. This tag tells the search engines what your page is about and the rest of all, that’s why it’s important to optimize your page title correctly. It’ll help searchers to find your content by just using keywords in search engines.

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Use your main keyword in the page title and don’t use too much mix up of keywords. It makes your title ugly and people will dislike your article without reading it.

Keywords in your Page Headings:

On to the body of your blog post, start out with the head tag at the very top. Use keywords In (H1) Heading and you want to do the same thing in the middle of the blogs like subheadings (h2 and H3). But most important thing is to write your target keyword on top of your post heading because Google pays special attention to (h1, h2 and H3) tags.

Use Image Alt Tags:

When you insert an image into your post, the main thing you have to know is to use the Alt tag in the post image. It helps to increase your on-page SEO.
The alt tag is basically known as an alternative tag, it helps Google to find out the relevancy of your post. So you make sure to use your targeted keyword in the alt tag.

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Use keyword in content:

Use your targeted keyword in the body of your post. Use keyword in the first paragraph of your post, Highlight your first targeted keyword in the body text of the post. Use targeted keywords in the 2nd paragraph and last paragraph of your post because Google pays strong attention to these sides.

Use low or medium competition keywords so, it’s easy to get your page ranked up in search engines. You can test the competition of your keyword by means of Google Adwords. Content must be greater than 300 words.

Keyword Density:

Remember; don’t use too many keywords in the post. It will harm your on-page SEO and It makes your post ugly and loses your ranking in search engines.

Keyword Density must be 1.00 to 1.75 in your whole post not more or not less than this. Many webmasters use this technique to increase keyword density to rank top in search engines for targeted keywords.
But search engines are very smart now a day, this position will fall immediately in a few days and maybe these acts ban your entire site for index.

Internal Linking:

Internal linking is one of the most important on-page SEO tips to control the bounce rate of your site and gives visitors a way to keep reading on related topics. It connects your visitors from one page of your site to another. You just have to link another related article in anchor text so it may be visible as a link to your visitors. It shares the link juice to another linking site.

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Outbound linking:

Like internal linking, you have full control over outbound linking. Outbound linking refers to those kinds of links that you link to any third party site as a reference or further information.
Link to trustworthy sites like Wikipedia, About.com and Moz etc. Helps to Increase your site’s trustability and Google has also found it helpful for its visitors.

Meta Description:

Meta description, an important on-page SEO technique helps search engines to find relevant content for their visitors. Write 140 to 150 characters in Meta description relevant to your post, it also helps visitors to read out a short summary about your post in search engine results. If they find it helpful, they will surely visit your site.


Breadcrumbs are designed to help the visitors, they increase users’ experience and quickly find out where he is browsing on your site. When you create an internal link from your one post to another related post so after clicking on that post user will find out an exact place on your site.

It normally looks like this … Home > category name > your post name


A sitemap is another best SEO tip to increase your site visibility; it helps users to find important information quickly by using a sitemap of any site.
Google also love sitemaps and Google find out your all site pages easily, it helps to crawl and index your all site pages quickly and get your all pages index.

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After writing “On-page SEO tips for beginners” I have done a great job. All the green lights give me a signal to publish my post for viewers. Here we go for a screenshot…..

On Page SEO Analysis

So, now I hope that you will learn much more from this “On-Page SEO” article.

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